Even if my projects evolve, /positive motion/ is one that I will pursue in the long term, at least as long as I have positive emotions to express :)
When Marine contacted me for /positive motion/ I was really pleased because on this particular project, models who get to me are usually at the same body type. Even if there is a particular estheticism for /positive motion/, it’s not the purpose of it and it makes no sense to restrain it to dancers or gymnasts.
I was really aware of Marine work before we met to shoot this set but she told me she was very comfortable with her body and have posed a lot before, but never with movement. This was what was appealing to her in this project. I think she also realized during the shot that motion is not all, that it is carried by music and emotion and once she let it go, we managed to build beautiful images.
Thanks a lot for this set Marine, it was really fun and I bet we will have a new collab very soon.
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