3 mai 2016Aucun commentaire

/discloser/ Nayrash

/discloser/ est toujours une série sur laquelle j'adore travailler et cette nouvelle rencontre avec Nayrash n'a pas démérité. Et qui sait, peut être que /discloser/ donnera lieu à un projet plus ... physique.

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26 avril 2016Aucun commentaire

/persona/ Pauline

Il y a maintenant quelques semaines j’ai eu l’opportunité de rencontrer Pauline qui m’a accueilli chez elle pour raconter un nouvel opus de /persona/.
Comme toujours dans cette série, le story telling est important : si cette fois les clichés sont un peu plus sombres, le lecteur attentif y trouvera aussi quelques petites choses ramenées du japon.

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10 mars 2016Aucun commentaire

My tools and app of choice to collect and store inspiration

English content Originally posted on ELLO


Control Freak
I don’t really know if I can call myself a Control Freak - probably yes. I’ve always been fascinated by optimizing processes and organization. I’m the kind of guy who will play a video game and focus only one specific character to reach the higher level and optimize each piece of equipment. It’s all the same in my everyday life, I don’t have a military organisation but I have a series of methods and systems (mostly based on GTD, Get things done which will allow me to free some mental space up in order to be in a positive mood for creation, concentration and decision making.
A large part of my daily routine is to read and collect some information about a lot of topics, and obviously a lot about photography. I have never been taught photography, nor I went to art school: all I know is self-training which occurred over time, practicing, reading articles and looking at images every day. This article, a bit special, try to explain how I have organized this collect and store process. As a mac nerd, pretty much all tools are on OS X and iOS, except a few that are available as cloud services.

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20 janvier 2016Aucun commentaire

/positive motion/ Shalise – II

Comme promis voici la deuxième partie du set avec Shalise dans /positive motion/. Pour revoir la première partie de cette série c’est ici : /positive motion/ - Shalise I

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15 janvier 2016Un commentaire

/positive motion/ Shalise – I

Que de plaisir de finir l’année 2015 sur une séance /positive motion/. Je pense que c’est le projet sur lequel je travaille depuis le plus longtemps : près de 3 ans maintenant et je suis toujours totalement amoureux de ce projet :)

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9 janvier 2016Aucun commentaire

/persona/ Anouck

La nouvelle itération du projet /persona/, qui a commencé avec Bouh il y a quelques mois se poursuit avec Anouck qui m'accueille cette fois dans le sud de la France. C'est aussi l'occasion de poursuivre le travail sur le storytelling, travail qui vient se renforcer par un traitement plus cinématographique que photographique.

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28 novembre 2015Un commentaire

/persona/ Bouh

Ce projet a connu bien des variantes au cours de ces dernières années, et quelque part je sens que je ne suis pas encore au bouh du chemin (=^_^=). Si le sujet de la personnalité est toujours central dans la démarche, j'ai essayé cette fois ci d'améliorer la partie Storytelling. Il en résulte un certain nombre de clichés comme autant de marches vers des facettes de personnalité.

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13 octobre 2015Aucun commentaire

How instant photography came back to my life

English content Originally posted on ELLO


When I was a child (you did know this explanation had to begin like this ^^) I used to play with a Polaroid instant Camera. The kind of camera that had 10 shots and a disposable flash you had to turn back to keep using.
As many other photographers experienced in their childhood it was a kind of magic. Then I grew up, had no real money and cannot afford working with film cameras and also nobody to teach me or introduce me to 35mm photography so I wasn’t able to overcome that money issue at that time.
I really came back to photography 10 years ago with the first digital cameras (the one you had to put a 3’5 computer disk in it ^^) and then it became a real part of my life.

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8 septembre 2015Aucun commentaire

/discloser/ Vuvuvi

C'est un pseudo inhabituel pour une séance qui l'est tout autant. En toute franchise, on ne peut pas dire qu'elle se soit déroulée comme je l'espérais.

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26 août 2015Aucun commentaire


English content Originally posted on ELLO

I just wanted to share my thoughts about IG, since I've been conducting a few experiments during the last two weeks.

IG claims to have one of the biggest photo community (which I believe is true) and I don't really know why, but I keep feeling attracted by IG. I think it's basically the feeling of wanting to 'be part of it', that a lot of people seems to have fun there and that I deserve some of this fun too.
Then comes the thinking, and once I have the overcome the simple idea of getting likes for likes, I tried to figure out what would be the purpose of IG, not in general but for me. Sharing my reality with friends and relative is not an option since I'm really concerned with privacy and I don't want to share anything on a platform owned by Facebook and with no clear statement about the way data is used. So I had a simple approach, more business oriented and I tried to see if I would be able to use IG as a network allowing to get a new collaboration, meet new models.

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Get in touch?

Currently in Montréal, QC Canada
I speak French, English and even a bit of Italian!

Email: hello@angeswadman.com
Twitter: @angeswadman
Instagram: @angeswadman

© ange swadman, since 2007

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