21 juillet 2016Aucun commentaire

/discloser/ Amanda

Exploring personality is still fascinating, even after having shot so many /discloser/ sets and iterated /persona/ project for more than three years now. Even when the shoots occurs after an exhausting week of labor, on a Friday night and both the model and the photographer are just exhausted and praying for a let-me-sleep zone.

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13 octobre 2015Aucun commentaire

How instant photography came back to my life

English content Originally posted on ELLO


When I was a child (you did know this explanation had to begin like this ^^) I used to play with a Polaroid instant Camera. The kind of camera that had 10 shots and a disposable flash you had to turn back to keep using.
As many other photographers experienced in their childhood it was a kind of magic. Then I grew up, had no real money and cannot afford working with film cameras and also nobody to teach me or introduce me to 35mm photography so I wasn’t able to overcome that money issue at that time.
I really came back to photography 10 years ago with the first digital cameras (the one you had to put a 3’5 computer disk in it ^^) and then it became a real part of my life.

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Get in touch?

Currently in Montréal, QC Canada
I speak French, English and even a bit of Italian!

Email: hello@angeswadman.com
Twitter: @angeswadman
Instagram: @angeswadman

© ange swadman, since 2007

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