Even if my projects evolve, /positive motion/ is one that I will pursue in the long term, at least as long as I have positive emotions to express :)
Even if my projects evolve, /positive motion/ is one that I will pursue in the long term, at least as long as I have positive emotions to express :)
A huge part of the emotional power that resides in /positive motion/ project is due to the very particular aestheticism conveyed by both the dance and the light & post production combo. Therefore having the opportunity to shoot with models who have special skills like being a professional dancer or,like Mimosa Pudica, a pole dance teacher is an amazing opportunity.
/positive motion/ est un projet qui commence à prendre sérieusement de l’ampleur et malgré les années je suis toujours passionné par ce projet. Exprimer des émotions positives via le mouvement et la danse reste un défi non seulement technique mais surtout émotionnel.
Get in touch?
Currently in Montréal, QC Canada
I speak French, English and even a bit of Italian!
Email: hello@angeswadman.com
Twitter: @angeswadman
Instagram: @angeswadman
© ange swadman, since 2007
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