2 juin 2022Aucun commentaire

Writing and planning

What I like with writing in advance for /NO.NAMES/ project is that it fits with my very psychorigid mind. As a guy who loves to get everything straight, be sure I don’t forget anything, and above all, be sure we share a common understanding with the models I work with, it’s such a relief to be able to communicate in advance about what we’ll do and how I envision it. Also, when shots are planned in advance, it lets a lot more room for creativity on specific aspects during the shoot. So how do I do this?

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19 mai 2022Aucun commentaire

Writing for /no.names/

Guilty! I’m guilty of pushing a lot of meaning into my pictures. Or at least, I’m trying to - yeah I can hear the models who know me well, laughing at the back of the room.
That being said, to add meaning and consistency I try to build this project like a movie. I have no experience in writing, literature, or scenarios, but I’m teaching myself - Thanks daddy YouTube.

So first, I dropped a bunch of ideas, I know what my general plot will be: a girl in, her late 20s, out of any stereotypes who just struggle like millions of people with her life to sustain herself financially. She’s not abandoned by her parents, she’s not traumatized, she’s pretty lambda. And she will face the day to day patriarchy, being seen as an object because she’s attractive and dresses for herself like she wants to, failing to get promoted because the seat is taken by other men, which will lead her to look for another job, just to sustain herself. We’ve got the ‘you’, here is the ‘need’: money.

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5 mai 2022Aucun commentaire

Rebooting, again

I can’t believe the last post on this blog was four years ago. I would have bet two, cause that the time I’ve spent in my cave hiding from Covid, but four… I guess I wasn’t using this blog properly, trying to explain the work instead of spitting parts of it.

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21 février 2017Aucun commentaire

About writing

English content

It’s been a few months now that I force myself writing at least 300 words long articles when publishing images. First, it was only for improving SEO, but I realized very soon I don’t really care about getting known or improving visibility through my website. Next, it was because some people told me they actually read and feel like they understand a bit more what I’m trying to express through some series.

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10 mars 2016Aucun commentaire

My tools and app of choice to collect and store inspiration

English content Originally posted on ELLO


Control Freak
I don’t really know if I can call myself a Control Freak - probably yes. I’ve always been fascinated by optimizing processes and organization. I’m the kind of guy who will play a video game and focus only one specific character to reach the higher level and optimize each piece of equipment. It’s all the same in my everyday life, I don’t have a military organisation but I have a series of methods and systems (mostly based on GTD, Get things done which will allow me to free some mental space up in order to be in a positive mood for creation, concentration and decision making.
A large part of my daily routine is to read and collect some information about a lot of topics, and obviously a lot about photography. I have never been taught photography, nor I went to art school: all I know is self-training which occurred over time, practicing, reading articles and looking at images every day. This article, a bit special, try to explain how I have organized this collect and store process. As a mac nerd, pretty much all tools are on OS X and iOS, except a few that are available as cloud services.

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11 mai 2012Aucun commentaire


Un billet un peu particulier et exceptionnel sur le blog aujourd'hui, il est rare que je m'exprime sur le sujet directement mais c'est par la voix d'un autre que je communique aujourd'hui.

Le contexte : un groupe Facebook "Les pires mails de photographes". Il en contient des perles, tant le monde de la photographie "amateur" (bien que rien que ce terme nécessiterai de m’épancher en longues lignes insipides) est un pas-toujours-joyeux bordel. Sur ce groupe, un trublion qui signe sous le nom de Elsephir Libre m'a gentiment autorisé à réproduire ici un post qui rejoint à tel point ma façon de voir les choses en ce moment, que je n'ai plus qu'a me la fermer et à vous lacher le pavé.

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Get in touch?

Currently in Montréal, QC Canada
I speak French, English and even a bit of Italian!

Email: hello@angeswadman.com
Twitter: @angeswadman
Instagram: @angeswadman

© ange swadman, since 2007

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