26 août 2015Aucun commentaire


English content Originally posted on ELLO

I just wanted to share my thoughts about IG, since I've been conducting a few experiments during the last two weeks.

IG claims to have one of the biggest photo community (which I believe is true) and I don't really know why, but I keep feeling attracted by IG. I think it's basically the feeling of wanting to 'be part of it', that a lot of people seems to have fun there and that I deserve some of this fun too.
Then comes the thinking, and once I have the overcome the simple idea of getting likes for likes, I tried to figure out what would be the purpose of IG, not in general but for me. Sharing my reality with friends and relative is not an option since I'm really concerned with privacy and I don't want to share anything on a platform owned by Facebook and with no clear statement about the way data is used. So I had a simple approach, more business oriented and I tried to see if I would be able to use IG as a network allowing to get a new collaboration, meet new models.

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16 juin 2015Aucun commentaire

Ello. 16 Juin 2015. The up and down

English content Originally posted on ELLO

The up and down
It’s very common for a creative to have up and down phases. Anybody who has been involved at least once with the creative process encounters this phenomenon and you can find a thousands of « incentive sentence » from various literature explaining how it’s required to go down to rise again.

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29 janvier 2015Aucun commentaire

Ello. 29, janv. 2015. Work in progress, /humanimal/

English content Originally posted on ELLO

Work in progress, /humanimal/

I’m currently working a new project called /humanimal/. This is really a work in progress, even the name is not final, so everything can still change :)

First, I need to remind that continuity is very important in my work. I’m trying new things at every project, I do not have a very consistent work, I lack a lot of homogeneity in treatments but I love remind former projects in new ones. Basically this is due to the way I use photography: as a diary to express my life, and there is both heterogeneity and consistency in life. Things evolve and change everyday but past is still there and a basis for present.

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21 janvier 2015Aucun commentaire

Ello. 21, Jan 2015. First 35 films

English content Originally posted on ELLO

First 35 films

I’ve just received the first pictures of my develop-it-yourself experiment!
Ok let’s face it: as every beginners, I’ve fuck up some stuff :x But for a first a first try that’s pretty ok. Negative development is the part I’ve really done during this first experiment, from putting the film in the tank with no light at all to dry the negative after it’s developed. Since it was the first stage I didn’t want to make the print by myself on the first try so I gave it to a lab.

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17 janvier 2015Aucun commentaire

Ello. 17, jan 2015. Positive Motion, This is Aurore

English content Originally posted on ELLO

Positive Motion, This is Aurore

Since my very first post on Ello, I promised I would talk about pictures. The thing is I’m not really fond of talking about the past, I’m more concerned with present and future ; that’s why I didn’t post about previous photo sessions. I’ve just published a new shoot about the series « Positive Motion », so I bet this is the right time.

Positive Motion is born something like 3 years ago now. The main aim was to express positive feelings and emotion, without getting into the traditional clichés of little girls running in a bright sunny field and butterflies :) Well, the first thing I learned was it was really easier to express negative feelings than positive emotions. It’s easier to have a strong black and white with contrast, to show muscles and pain, to have deep make up. So I went and look for a vector. Something to lye on that would help me this my way of expression.

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8 janvier 2015Aucun commentaire

Je suis Charlie

English content Originally posted on ELLO

Very unusual post today, not directly related with my photographic work but still. Yesterday, in Paris, 12 people were murdered in their Newspaper office by two guys claiming to avenge Mahomet Prophet. We still don't know if this was really the motive, but among that 12 people, 2 were cops and 4 were very talented and famous illustrators working for Charlie Hebdo newspaper.

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18 décembre 2014Aucun commentaire

Ello. 18 dec, 2014. The created image video series

English content Originally posted on ELLO

The created image video series
NOTE : This is NOT another f\*cking sponsored post!

I’m a huge consumer of pro tips, tutorials, behind the scene stuff and I am very often very frustrated with it. I think that I’m starving for this kind of material, just because I’m a self-made photographer. I’ve never followed a course or took a lesson, only focused on finding my own means of expression and learned everything by myself. Yeah, that’s maybe why my level on some specific stuff is very poor, or you might consider my entire work is crap :x

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15 décembre 2014Aucun commentaire

Ello. 15 dec, 2014. Forward to film

English content Originally posted on ELLO

Forward to film
Yesterday night I made my second try in developing 35mm film. I could have called this ’Back to 35mm film', but truth is this not a back action, it’s moving forward. Somebody told me I was probably looking for Vintage. Hell no, I’m looking for more manual action, interaction with physical media instead of having a full digital chain.

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12 décembre 2014Aucun commentaire

Ello. 12 dec, 2014. Something clever

English content Originally posted on ELLO

Something clever.
As a first post on Ello, I would like probably to have something clever to say ; at least more clever than just Hello Ello or I ate an Apple this morning. Maybe that’s the good time to start thinking about the purpose of social networking, self image and how I would like to use it, to make people feel, but wait...

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Get in touch?

Currently in Montréal, QC Canada
I speak French, English and even a bit of Italian!

Email: hello@angeswadman.com
Twitter: @angeswadman
Instagram: @angeswadman

© ange swadman, since 2007

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